Mason Core

November 30 Agenda

Meeting Date: Thursday, November 30, 2023, from 1:30-3:30pm via Zoom 



  • Meeting management 
  • Removal of Mason Core Arts designation effective Fall 2024: 
    • DANC 325: Modern/Contemporary Dance III 
    • DANC 345: Ballet III 


Category Title 
Just Societies INTS 319: Contemporary Youth Studies 
Just Societies WMST 200: Introduction to Women and Gender Studies 
Just Societies WMST 208: Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies 
Just Societies INTS 363: Social Justice Narratives 
Global Contexts  SOCI 332: The Urban World 
Just Societies SOCI 352: Social Problems and Solutions 
Global Contexts  INYO 261: Mentoring Multilingual Learners 
Just Societies INYO 261: Mentoring Multilingual Learners 
Just Societies GOVT 103: Introduction to American Government 
Just Societies GOVT 134: Grand Challenges to Human Security 
Just Societies HIST 272: Survey of Latin American History 
Global Contexts  INTS 417: Human Trafficking and Smuggling 
Mason Apex GOVT 492: Computing Ethics, Law and Policy Seminar 
Writing Intensive GOVT 492: Computing Ethics, Law and Policy Seminar 
Mason Apex NEUR 422: Glutamatergic Systems 
Global Contexts  CRIM 308: Human Rights and Justice 
Just Societies CRIM 308: Human Rights and Justice 
Global Contexts  HIST 271: Survey of Latin American History 
SBS INTS 337: Social Justice Consciousness and Action 
Just Societies INTS 337: Social Justice Consciousness and Action 
Global Contexts  INTS 406: Global Leadership 
Just Societies INTS 406: Global Leadership 
Global Contexts  ANTH 320: Global Africa 
Literature ENGH 206: Literature in the Creation of Just Societies 
Just Societies ENGH 206: Literature in the Creation of Just Societies 
Just Societies ENGH 315: Folklore and Folklife 

Old Business 

  • Working groups 
    • Just Societies 
    • Humanities v Literature 

New Business 

  • Reminder: Committee supplemental meeting on December 7 from 2:30pm-4pm 

*Updated 11/29/23