Mason Core

October 17 Agenda

Mason Core Meeting 

Thursday, October 17, 2024, from 1:30-3:00pm via Zoom 

  1. Welcome 
  2. Announcements
  3. Proposals


Category Title 
Global Contexts EDSE 204: Disability in Global Contexts 
Global Contexts HIST 317: Nazi Germany 
Just Societies HIST 317: Nazi Germany 
Global Contexts PSYC 379: Applied Cross-Cultural Psychology 
Global Contexts RELI 383: Holocaust: History and Meaning 
Just Societies RELI 383: Holocaust: History and Meaning 
Global Contexts HIST 318: Holocaust: History and Meaning 
Just Societies HIST 318: Holocaust: History and Meaning 
Global Contexts INYO 105: U.S. American Cultures 
Global Contexts DANC 118: Global Dance Perspectives I 
Global Contexts RELI 240: Death and the Afterlife in Religion 
Mason Apex CS 405: Synthesis of Ethics and Law for the Computing Professional 
Global Contexts HIST 378: History of Aviation 
Just Societies HIST 378: History of Aviation 
Social & Behavioral Science INTS 310: Violence, Gender, and Sexuality 
Social & Behavioral Science  WMST 320: Violence, Gender, and Sexuality 
Global Contexts INTS 406: Global Leadership 
Just Societies INTS 406: Global Leadership 
Global Contexts DANC 318: Global Dance Perspectives II 
Global Contexts FAVS 300: Global Horror Film 
Information Technology & ComputingCOMM 320: Business and Professional Communication