Mason Core

Newly Approved Courses

The University Catalog is the definitive record of currently approved courses at George Mason. It is published annually. All courses approved for Mason Core during the 2023-2024 academic year are now reflected in the 2024-2025 catalog.

This page will be updated with newly approved Mason Core courses following each committee meeting during the 2024-2025 academic year. Courses within Mason Core that have a category designation removed by departmental request are listed below as well.

Newly Approved Courses for 2024-2025

Global Contexts

ANTH 320: Global Africa

FAVS 300: Global Horror Film

FOLK 100: Global Folklore

GERM 315: German for the Global World

GOVT 132: Introduction to International Politics

HIST 317: Nazi Germany

HIST 364 : Revolution in Latin America

HIST 378: History of Aviation

INTS 406: Global Leadership

INYO 105: U.S. American Cultures

MUSI 103: Musics of the World ​

PSYC 379: Applied Cross-Cultural Psychology

Information Technology & Computing

COMM 320: Business & Professional Communication

Just Societies (optional flag)

HIST 378: History of Aviation

INTS 406: Global Leadership

SOCW 200: Introduction to Social Work


HIST 403: Revolutionary Era in American History, 1763-1812

RELI 338: Qur’an and Hadith

Mason Apex

CS 405: Synthesis of Ethics and Law for the Computing Professional (previously CS 306)

ELED 480: Practicum in Elementary Education

Natural Science with Lab

CLIM 103: Global Warming: Weather, Climate, and Society Laboratory

Writing Intensive

ELED 305: Foundations of Elementary Methods and Management

Course Designation Removals

By departmental request, the following courses have been removed from the listed category.


DANC 391: Dance History II (effective Spring 2025)

Mason Apex

SOCI 377: Art and Society (effective Spring 2025)

SOCW 375: Human Behavior from an Anti-Oppressive Lens (effective Spring 2025)

Natural Science with Lab

BIOL 213: Cell Structure and Function (effective Fall 2025)

Writing Intensive

ECON 355: The Political Economy of Nonprofit Institutions (effective Fall 2025)

ECON 435: Economics of Energy (effective Fall 2025)

ECON 470: Economics of Regulation (effective Fall 2025)

NEUR 410: Current Topics in Neuroscience (effective Spring 2025)

SOCI 412: Contemporary Sociological Theory (effective Spring 2025)

*Last updated January 28, 2025