The University Catalog is the definitive record of currently approved courses at George Mason. It is published annually. All courses approved for Mason Core during the 2023-2024 academic year are now reflected in the 2024-2025 catalog.
This page will be updated with newly approved Mason Core courses following each committee meeting during the 2024-2025 academic year. Courses within Mason Core that have a category designation removed by departmental request are listed below as well.
Newly Approved Courses for 2024-2025
Global Contexts
ANTH 320: Global Africa
FAVS 300: Global Horror Film
FOLK 100: Global Folklore
GERM 315: German for the Global World
GOVT 132: Introduction to International Politics
HIST 317: Nazi Germany
HIST 364 : Revolution in Latin America
HIST 378: History of Aviation
INTS 406: Global Leadership
INYO 105: U.S. American Cultures
MUSI 103: Musics of the World
PSYC 379: Applied Cross-Cultural Psychology
Information Technology & Computing
COMM 320: Business & Professional Communication
Just Societies (optional flag)
HIST 378: History of Aviation
INTS 406: Global Leadership
SOCW 200: Introduction to Social Work
HIST 403: Revolutionary Era in American History, 1763-1812
RELI 338: Qur’an and Hadith
Mason Apex
CS 405: Synthesis of Ethics and Law for the Computing Professional (previously CS 306)
ELED 480: Practicum in Elementary Education
Natural Science with Lab
CLIM 103: Global Warming: Weather, Climate, and Society Laboratory
Writing Intensive
ELED 305: Foundations of Elementary Methods and Management
Course Designation Removals
By departmental request, the following courses have been removed from the listed category.
DANC 391: Dance History II (effective Spring 2025)
Mason Apex
SOCI 377: Art and Society (effective Spring 2025)
SOCW 375: Human Behavior from an Anti-Oppressive Lens (effective Spring 2025)
Natural Science with Lab
BIOL 213: Cell Structure and Function (effective Fall 2025)
Writing Intensive
ECON 355: The Political Economy of Nonprofit Institutions (effective Fall 2025)
ECON 435: Economics of Energy (effective Fall 2025)
ECON 470: Economics of Regulation (effective Fall 2025)
NEUR 410: Current Topics in Neuroscience (effective Spring 2025)
SOCI 412: Contemporary Sociological Theory (effective Spring 2025)
*Last updated January 28, 2025