Mason Core

Course Proposal FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I submit an application for a special topics course?

Due to the nature of Mason Core courses, special topics should only be submitted if there will be significant oversight to ensure that learning outcomes are met in all iterations of the course. The application should detail how the unit plans to ensure this. For example, are there common assignments across all potential variations of a course that would meet the learning outcomes? The committee might also request that syllabi and sample assignments are provided for more than one iteration of the special topics course prior to approval. Mason Core courses go through periodic assessment to maintain accreditation standards, and part of that is ensuring that all courses in the general education program meet the learning outcomes with documentable student work. 

How do I submit an application for two courses that are equivalent?

If you are submitting an application for two equivalent courses, only one application is required to represent both courses, as long as they are taught exactly the same. Both courses will need to be submitted through CIM with all required documentation, but one completed proposal worksheet can be used in both course records. Please ensure that the equivalency is appropriately marked in the course record in CIM prior to submitting for Mason Core consideration. 

I’m submitting a newly developed course and haven’t created my assignments yet. Can I still submit my course for Mason Core consideration?

The Mason Core Committee requires that all elements of a proposal package are included:

  • Course Syllabus with Mason Core learning outcomes clearly marked
  • Completed proposal worksheet for the intended category
  • Specific assignment prompts and/or test questions to support the Assignment Map

Applications without included sample assignments to support the Assignment Map will be returned to the faculty member for revisions.

Can I submit a new course to Undergraduate Council and Mason Core Committee at the same time?

No, courses cannot be submitted for Undergraduate Council review and Mason Core Committee review at the same time despite how it may look in CIM/Courseleaf. It is not simultaneous or automatic. Please keep this in mind as you plan your course submission, as a new course will need to be sent to UGC and approved there first.  The course can then be submitted to the Mason Core approval process using the specialized course designation option in CIM. This will send the course back through whatever workflow process each college uses, so please consider the additional time this will require. 

How do I remove my course from Mason Core?

To remove a course entirely from Mason Core, please submit a request through CIM. You will need to select “Specialized Course Designation”, and then unselect both the Mason Core box and the category box.  Please include an explanation in the additional comments section of CIM and send an email to with a short note verifying the request for removal.  

My course is approved for multiple Mason Core categories. How do I remove a single category?

To remove a single category from a Mason Core course, please submit a request through CIM. You will need to select “Specialized Course Designation”, and then unselect the category box to be removed. Do not deselect Mason Core or the category you wish to retain. Please include an explanation in the additional comments section of CIM and send an email to with a short note verifying the request for removal.

What happens if my course is not approved by the Mason Core Committee?

Courses that require revisions are rolled back to the initial step in CIM, and detailed feedback is sent to the faculty members who submitted the course. Faculty members will also receive a resubmission coversheet, which details the steps for resubmission, provides committee feedback, and includes space for response to that feedback.  

Occasionally, a course is submitted that does not fit with the overarching goals of a category, and the committee will not approve it or offer encouragement to resubmit. You are free to revise and resubmit if you feel the Mason Core Committee should consider additional information that was not provided in the initial proposal.  Faculty are strongly encouraged to discuss this situation with the Mason Core Director first and if requested, directly with committee members.  Considerable time and effort will likely be required to revise a course that has received this recommendation. It is important to note that while all George Mason courses are valuable to our students, not every course is an appropriate addition to the general education program.  

If my course is approved for Mason Core during the semester I’m teaching it, will students currently enrolled receive Mason Core credit?

Mason Core courses are approved on a rolling basis throughout the academic year, and the approved Mason Core attributes will be applied according to the Effective Term set in the course record in CIM. If the course is approved midsemester and the Effective Term is set for that same semester, students currently enrolled in the course will receive Mason Core credit. 

If you have any questions about the recent enhancements to Mason Core, please see our Enhancements FAQs.