Meeting Date: Thursday, September 28, 2023, from 1:30-3:30pm via Zoom
Welcome and Introductions
- Meeting management
- Administrative Announcement
Category | Title |
Arts | ARTH 382: Arts of India |
Arts | ARTH 383: Arts of Southeast Asia |
Arts | ARTH 384: Arts of China |
Global Contexts | INYO 261: Mentoring Multilingual Learners |
Just Societies | INYO 261: Mentoring Multilingual Learners |
Old Business
- Revisit Working Groups
- Recertification process for Mason Core
- Humanities v. Literature
- SLOs and syllabus statements
New Business
- Just Societies expansion
- Courses with two categories can also get the JS flag
- Mason Apex concerns
- Meaning of survey options
*Agenda revised September 26,2023