Mason Core

February 20 2025 Agenda

Thursday, February 20, 2025, from 1:30-3:00pm via Zoom 

  1. Welcome 
  2. Announcements 
  3. Proposals 
  4. Oral Communications and Bylaws Review
          Category Title 
          Global Contexts ANTH 317: East Asian Cultures 
          Mason Apex GGS 485: Capstone in Geography and Geoinformation Science 
          Social & Behavioral Science GGS 304: Population Geography 
          Mason Apex ECED 493: Internship in Early Childhood Special Education 
          Social & Behavioral Science SOCI 120: Globalization and Society 
          Social & Behavioral Science HIST 321: Modern France 
          Global Contexts RELI 383: Holocaust: History and Meaning 
          Just Societies RELI 383: Holocaust: History and Meaning 
          Global Contexts HIST 318: Holocaust: History and Meaning 
          Just Societies HIST 318: Holocaust: History and Meaning 
          Global Contexts CRIM 308: Human Rights and Justice 
          Global Contexts ANTH 308: Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East 
          Global Contexts ANTH 313: Myth, Magic, and Mind 
          Global Contexts ANTH 331: Refugees 
          Information Technology & Computing UNIV 182: AI for All: Understanding and Building Artificial Intelligence 
          Global Contexts DANC 118: Global Dance Perspectives I 

          January 16 2025 Agenda

          Mason Core Meeting 

          Thursday, January 16, 2025, from 1:30-3:00pm via Zoom 

          1. Welcome 
          2. Announcements 
          3. Proposals 
          4. Bylaws and Oral Communications Review 


          Global ContextsEDSE 204: Disability in Global Contexts
          Global ContextsANTH 317: East Asian Cultures
          Global ContextsHIST 346: Sport History and Film
          Information Technology & ComputingCOMM 320: Business and Professional Communication
          Global ContextsHIST 281: Survey of Middle Eastern Civilization
          Global ContextsHIST 282: Survey of Middle Eastern Civilization
          Mason ApexECED 493: Internship in Early Childhood Special Education
          Global ContextsCONF 340: Global Conflict Analysis and Resolution

          December 12 Agenda

          Mason Core Meeting 

          Thursday, December 12, 2024, from 1:30-3:00pm via Zoom 

          1. Welcome 
          2. Announcements 
          3. Proposals 
          4. Bylaws and Oral Communications Review 
          5. Provost Jim Antony, 2:30pm 


          Category Title 
          Writing Intensive ELED 305: Foundations of Elementary Methods and Management 
          Global Contexts PSYC 379: Applied Cross-Cultural Psychology 
          Global Contexts GERM 315: German for the Global World 
          Global Contexts MUSI 103: Musics of the World 
          Literature HIST 403: Revolutionary Era in American History, 1763-1812 

            November 21 Agenda

            Mason Core Meeting 

            Thursday, November 21, 2024, from 1:30-3:00pm via Zoom 

            1. Welcome 
            2. Announcements 
            3. Proposals 
            4. Bylaws and Oral Communications Review 


            Category Title 
            SBS INTS 310: Violence, Gender, and Sexuality 
            SBS WMST 320: Violence, Gender, and Sexuality 
            Global Contexts INTS 406: Global Leadership 
            Just Societies INTS 406: Global Leadership 
            IT&C COMM 320: Business and Professional Communication 
            Global Contexts MUSI 103: Musics of the World 
            Mason Apex ELED 480: Practicum in Elementary Education 
            Natural Science Lab CLIM 103: Global Warming: Weather, Climate, and Society Laboratory 
            Global Contexts GOVT 132: Introduction to International Politics 
            Global Contexts SOCI 120: Globalization and Society 
            Global Contexts ANTH 320: Global Africa 
            Global Contexts FOLK 100: Global Folklore 
            Literature RELI 338: Qur’an and Hadith 
            Literature HIST 403: Revolutionary Era in American History, 1763-1812 

            October 17 Agenda

            Mason Core Meeting 

            Thursday, October 17, 2024, from 1:30-3:00pm via Zoom 

            1. Welcome 
            2. Announcements
            3. Proposals


            Category Title 
            Global Contexts EDSE 204: Disability in Global Contexts 
            Global Contexts HIST 317: Nazi Germany 
            Just Societies HIST 317: Nazi Germany 
            Global Contexts PSYC 379: Applied Cross-Cultural Psychology 
            Global Contexts RELI 383: Holocaust: History and Meaning 
            Just Societies RELI 383: Holocaust: History and Meaning 
            Global Contexts HIST 318: Holocaust: History and Meaning 
            Just Societies HIST 318: Holocaust: History and Meaning 
            Global Contexts INYO 105: U.S. American Cultures 
            Global Contexts DANC 118: Global Dance Perspectives I 
            Global Contexts RELI 240: Death and the Afterlife in Religion 
            Mason Apex CS 405: Synthesis of Ethics and Law for the Computing Professional 
            Global Contexts HIST 378: History of Aviation 
            Just Societies HIST 378: History of Aviation 
            Social & Behavioral Science INTS 310: Violence, Gender, and Sexuality 
            Social & Behavioral Science  WMST 320: Violence, Gender, and Sexuality 
            Global Contexts INTS 406: Global Leadership 
            Just Societies INTS 406: Global Leadership 
            Global Contexts DANC 318: Global Dance Perspectives II 
            Global Contexts FAVS 300: Global Horror Film 
            Information Technology & ComputingCOMM 320: Business and Professional Communication 

            September 19 Agenda

            Mason Core Meeting 

            Thursday, September 19, 2024, from 1:30-3:00pm via Zoom 

            1. Welcome 
            2. Elect Faculty Co-Chair 
            3. Reaffirmation of Administrative Procedures
            4. Proposals 
            5. Retreat Summary & Prioritization 


            Category Title 
            Just Societies SOCW 200: Introduction to Social Work 
            Social & Behavioral Science RMGT 210: Recreation and Leisure in Life 
            Just Societies RMGT 210: Recreation and Leisure in Life 
            Mason Apex ELED 480: Practicum in Elementary Education 
            Information Technology & ComputingCOMM 320: Business and Professional Communication 
            Writing Intensive ELED 305: Foundations of Elementary Methods and Management 
            Natural Science Overview GOVT 352: Responsible Innovation 
            Just Societies GOVT 352: Responsible Innovation 
            Global Contexts GOVT 132: Introduction to International Politics 
            Global Contexts EDSE 204: Disability in Global Contexts 
            Global Contexts HIST 317: Nazi Germany 
            Just Societies HIST 317: Nazi Germany 

            April 25 Agenda

            Mason Core Meeting 

            Thursday, April 25, 2024, from 1:30-3:30pm via Zoom 



            • Meeting management 

            New Business 

            • Melissa Broeckelman-Post – Oral Communication Learning Outcomes Update 
            • Task Force Summaries 
              • Career Connections 
              • Humanities/Literature 
              • Recertification 


            Category Title 
            Literature CONF 250: Narratives of Conflict 
            Global Contexts HIST 306: The Reformation 
            Just Societies BUS 100: Business and Society 
            Just Societies MUSI 107: Jazz and Blues in America 
            IT&C MUSI 358: Music Programming 
            Global Contexts EDSE 204: Disability in Global Contexts 
            Arts FAVS 110: Beyond Screens: Digital Creation 
            Global Contexts FAVS 300: Global Horror Film 
            Global Contexts THR 359: World Stages 
            Mason Apex NEUR 422: Glutamatergic Systems 
            Arts THR 195: Play Production Technical Practicum 
            Global Contexts SYST 202: Engineering Systems in a Complex World 
            Just Societies SYST 202: Engineering Systems in a Complex World 
            Global Contexts GGS 101: Major World Regions 
            Global Contexts FOLK 100: Global Folklore 
            Literature HIST 381: Remembering Histories of Violence: Narrative Engagements with Difficult Pasts 
            Global Contexts HIST 317: Nazi Germany 
            Just Societies HIST 317: Nazi Germany 
            Global Contexts COMM 305: Foundations of Intercultural Communication 
            Just Societies COMM 305: Foundations of Intercultural Communication 
            Global Contexts HIST 261: Survey of African History 
            Global Contexts HIST 329: Modern Russia and the Soviet Union 
            Just Societies GGS 102: Physical Geography 
            Global Contexts GOVT 132: Introduction to International Politics 

            April 4 Agenda

            Mason Core Meeting 

            Thursday, April 4, 2024, from 1:30-3:30pm via Zoom 



            • Meeting management 


            Category Title 
            Global Contexts RELI 312: Islam 
            Global Contexts RELI 240: Death and the Afterlife in Religion 
            Just Societies RELI 240: Death and the Afterlife in Religion 
            IT&C COMM 320: Business and Professional Communication 
            Global Contexts GOVT 132: Introduction to International Politics 
            Global Contexts GOVT 133: Introduction to Comparative Politics 
            Global Contexts HIST 308: Nineteenth-Century Europe 
            Just Societies HIST 308: Nineteenth-Century Europe 
            Just Societies CONF 101: Conflict and Our World 
            Global Contexts CONF 340: Global Conflict Analysis and Resolution 
            SBS INTS 434: Research for Social Change 
            Global Contexts RELI 368: Islam, Democracy, and Human Rights 
            Just Societies RELI 368: Islam, Democracy, and Human Rights 
            Literature HIST 403: Revolutionary Era in American History, 1763-1812 
            Just Societies HIST 403: Revolutionary Era in American History, 1763-1812 
            Global Contexts INTS 390: International Internship 
            Global Contexts RELI 322: Religions of Africa 
            Literature CONF 250: Narratives of Conflict 
            Global Contexts HIST 306: The Reformation 
            Global Contexts BUS 200: Global Environment of Business 
            Just Societies BUS 100: Business and Society 
            Just Societies MUSI 107: Jazz and Blues in America 
            IT&C MUSI 358: Music Programming 
            Global Contexts EDSE 204: Disability in Global Contexts 
            Arts FAVS 110: Beyond Screens: Digital Creation 
            Global Contexts FAVS 300: Global Horror Film 

            March 21 Agenda

            Mason Core Meeting 

            Thursday, March 21, 2024, from 1:30-3:30pm via Zoom 



            • Meeting management 


            Category Title 
            SBS GOVT 150: Introduction to Technology Policy 
            Just Societies GOVT 150: Introduction to Technology Policy 
            Arts FAVS 260: Video Editing for Film 
            Global Contexts INYO 105: U.S. American Cultures 
            Just Societies INYO 105: U.S. American Cultures 
            Global Contexts SYST 202: Engineering Systems in a Complex World 
            Just Societies SYST 202: Engineering Systems in a Complex World 
            Global Contexts NEUR 355: Cross-Cultural Studies in Scientific Inquiry 
            Global Contexts GGS 317: Geography of China 
            Global Contexts GGS 101: Major World Regions 
            Just Societies GGS 102: Physical Geography 
            Just Societies GGS 301: Political Geography 
            Global Contexts HIST 261: Survey of African History 
            Global Contexts HIST 262: Survey of African History 
            Just Societies HIST 271: Survey of Latin American History 
            Global Contexts HIST 384: Global History of Christianity 
            Just Societies HIST 384: Global History of Christianity 
            Global Contexts RELI 384: Global History of Christianity 
            Just Societies RELI 384: Global History of Christianity 
            Mason Apex PSYC 492: RS: Psychology Honors III 
            Just Societies ENGH 206: Literature in the Creation of Just Societies 
            Just Societies ENGH 315: Folklore and Folklife 
            Global Contexts RELI 100: The Human Religious Experience 
            Just Societies RELI 100: The Human Religious Experience 
            Just Societies RELI 212: Introduction to Religions of Asia 
            Global Contexts RELI 310: Judaism 
            Just Societies RELI 310: Judaism 
            Global Contexts RELI 312: Islam 
            Global Contexts RELI 240: Death and the Afterlife in Religion 
            Just Societies RELI 240: Death and the Afterlife in Religion 
            Global Contexts RELI 313: Hinduism 
            Just Societies RELI 313: Hinduism 
            IT&C COMM 320: Business and Professional Communication 
            Global Contexts GOVT 132: Introduction to International Politics 
            Global Contexts GOVT 133: Introduction to Comparative Politics 
            Global Contexts HIST 308: Nineteenth-Century Europe 
            Just Societies HIST 308: Nineteenth-Century Europe 
            Just Societies CONF 101: Conflict and Our World 
            Global Contexts CONF 340: Global Conflict Analysis and Resolution 

            February 15 Agenda

            Mason Core Meeting 

            Thursday, February 15, 2024, from 1:30-3:30pm via Zoom 



            • Meeting management 


            Category Title 
            Global Contexts  RELI 211: Introduction to Religions of the “West” 
            Just Societies RELI 211: Introduction to Religions of the “West” 
            Global Contexts  FOLK 100: Global Folklore 
            Global Contexts  HIST 364: Revolution in Latin America 
            Just Societies HIST 364: Revolution in Latin America 
            Literature HIST 381: Remembering Histories of Violence: Narrative Engagements with Difficult Pasts 
            Just Societies HIST 381: Remembering Histories of Violence: Narrative Engagements with Difficult Pasts 
            Global Contexts  HIST 384: Global History of Christianity 
            Just Societies HIST 384: Global History of Christianity 
            Just Societies INTS 336: Poverty, Wealth and Inequality in the US 
            Global Contexts  RELI 240: Death and the Afterlife in Religion 
            Just Societies RELI 240: Death and the Afterlife in Religion 
            Global Contexts  RELI 313: Hinduism 
            Just Societies RELI 313: Hinduism 
            Global Contexts  COMM 305: Foundations of Intercultural Communication 
            Just Societies COMM 305: Foundations of Intercultural Communication 
            Global Contexts  INTS 416: Refugee and Internal Displacement 
            Global Contexts  SPAN 212: Intermediate Spanish II: Local and Global Contexts 
            Global Contexts  ARAB 385: Migrating Voices in Arabic Literature 
            Global Contexts  INTS 315: Spirituality and Conflict Transformation 
            Global Contexts  BUS 200: Global Environment of Business 
            Just Societies BUS 100: Business and Society 
            SBS RMGT 210: Recreation and Leisure in Life 
            Just Societies RMGT 210: Recreation and Leisure in Life 
            Arts THR 115: Staging Activism 
            Just Societies THR 115: Staging Activism 
            Global Contexts  TOUR 210: Global Understanding through Travel and Tourism 
            SBS EDSE 230: Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders 
            Just Societies EDSE 230: Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders 
            Mason Apex ARTH 494: The Museum 
            Just Societies HIST 316: History of Modern Architecture 
            Global Contexts  HIST 379: History of the Climate Crisis 
            Just Societies HIST 379: History of the Climate Crisis 
            Global Contexts  HIST 376: Cold War America 
            Just Societies HIST 376: Cold War America 
            Natural Science Lab ANTH 136: Introduction to Biological Anthropology Lab 
            Global Contexts  ANTH 382: Urban Anthropology 
            Global Contexts  HIST 329: Modern Russia and the Soviet Union 
            Just Societies HIST 329: Modern Russia and the Soviet Union 
            Literature CONF 250: Narratives of Conflict 
            Global Contexts  FAVS 300: Global Horror Film 
            Global Contexts  CRIM 308: Human Rights and Justice 
            Just Societies CRIM 308: Human Rights and Justice 
            Just Societies WMST 208: Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies 
            Literature ARAB 365: Black and Minority Cultures in Arabic Literature 
            Just Societies ARAB 365: Black and Minority Cultures in Arabic Literature 
            Global Contexts  HIST 378: History of Aviation 
            Just Societies HIST 378: History of Aviation 
            Just Societies INTS 319: Contemporary Youth Studies 
            Writing Intensive  GOVT 492: Computing Ethics, Law and Policy Seminar