April 4 Agenda Mason Core Meeting Thursday, April 4, 2024, from 1:30-3:30pm via Zoom Welcome Announcements Meeting management Proposals Category Title Global Contexts RELI 312: Islam Global Contexts RELI 240: Death and the Afterlife in Religion Just Societies RELI 240: Death and the Afterlife in Religion IT&C COMM 320: Business and Professional Communication Global Contexts GOVT 132: Introduction to International Politics Global Contexts GOVT 133: Introduction to Comparative Politics Global Contexts HIST 308: Nineteenth-Century Europe Just Societies HIST 308: Nineteenth-Century Europe Just Societies CONF 101: Conflict and Our World Global Contexts CONF 340: Global Conflict Analysis and Resolution SBS INTS 434: Research for Social Change Global Contexts RELI 368: Islam, Democracy, and Human Rights Just Societies RELI 368: Islam, Democracy, and Human Rights Literature HIST 403: Revolutionary Era in American History, 1763-1812 Just Societies HIST 403: Revolutionary Era in American History, 1763-1812 Global Contexts INTS 390: International Internship Global Contexts RELI 322: Religions of Africa Literature CONF 250: Narratives of Conflict Global Contexts HIST 306: The Reformation Global Contexts BUS 200: Global Environment of Business Just Societies BUS 100: Business and Society Just Societies MUSI 107: Jazz and Blues in America IT&C MUSI 358: Music Programming Global Contexts EDSE 204: Disability in Global Contexts Arts FAVS 110: Beyond Screens: Digital Creation Global Contexts FAVS 300: Global Horror Film ← March 21 Agenda → April 25 Agenda